Cat Chat | Episode 7 – Summer Reminders

Welcome back to Cat Chat! This special summer episode details a few things that students should keep an eye on this summer.

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Watch the full seventh episode of “Cat Chat” HERE:

TRANSCRIPT: CAT: Hi and welcome back to Cat Chat, a program where you get to chat with me, Cat, the College and Career Counselor here at SJNA. Speaking of SJNA, it is a beautiful day here today on our campus, and I hope that you’re all enjoying summer. If you are a recent graduate, please remember that now is the time for you to be taking your placement tests if you haven’t already, and making sure that you’re attending your summer orientations at your college of choice for the fall.

If you are a junior, congratulations, you are now a member of our rising senior class for next year, and there are so many things that we can do to help you get ready for college application season in the fall. Remember that application season opens August 1st, which is when many of your schools will have their portals open so you can start applying.

Make sure that you’re doing things like reaching out to your teachers to request letters of recommendation. Start studying and preparing for taking more SATs or ACTs so that way you have a good solid score to submit in the fall. And as always, start taking a look at what scholarship opportunities are out there, what deadlines you have to meet, and then also what what kind of supplemental essays you might have to answer in your application.

As always, I am here all summer and willing to help you guys, so if you have any questions regarding your application process, please reach out. Also, if you’re interested in knowing your schedule, or if you’ve got a senior study call, please contact me as well and I’ll be happy to get that to you. Until next time, I hope all of our students and families enjoy their summer vacations, and have a wonderful, wonderful summer.

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