Dedicated and Encouraged To Serving Others
Though weekend free time is precious, St. John’s Northwestern students willingly head out into the community to serve food to the homeless, help at charity fundraisers, and lend a hand where one is needed. Community service introduces students to a different environment where they can see their own power to make a difference. Many students find this so rewarding that they accumulate hundreds of hours of community service.
Our school’s dedication to selfless service is evident in our Community Service Record for the current 2021-2022 school year. Our students completed 7,483.5 hours of community service and we saw a 32% increase in cumulative community service hours overall. From 2009-2021, 50% of our graduates accumulated between 13-68 hours of community service over the course of their four years with us. While many students across the state complete various community service tasks, our students believe that the components in our Academies’ mission and vision directly influence our school’s high level of participation in volunteer events and activities.