Student Life

Whether you're a prospective or current student at SJNA, this is your hub for all the important info about student life at St. John's Northwestern


Put Yourself in the Picture

Daily life at St. John’s Northwestern is thoughtfully structured to offer a full range of experiences: innovative learning, exciting athletics, fun social activities, deepening friendships—all part of the SJNA community. Imagine the possibilities!

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Quick Links & Campus Hours

Emergency Number 24/7: (262) 443-7872

Campus Infirmary Hours: M-F 8-5?

Campus Store: M-F 8-5? (262) 646

Office Hours: M-F

The Delafield Community

The SJNA campus is located in Delafield, Wisconsin a charming, thriving town where students and families enjoy the nearby lodging, dining, shops, parks and recreation. The campus is just 30 minutes west of Milwaukee and two hours from Chicago.

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Students can make use of

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Students can make use of

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Students can make use of

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Students can make use of

Learn, Grow & Have Fun!

Students at St. John’s Northwestern excel both in and outside of the classroom, whether it is through outstanding academics, award-winning and nationally-recognized sports programs, or by standing out as a leader amongst their peers.
