From middle school to high school Advanced Prefect Leadership and Junior ROTC, students at SJNA work throughout their educational career to develop skills to become life-long leaders. Students will be given opportunities to learn about the foundations of leadership and have opportunities to practice and apply that knowledge in everyday settings and real-world situations.
Goals and Objectives
There are many definitions of leadership; however, a common interpretation provides that it is a process a person uses to influence a group of individuals to achieve a common goal. Leadership is a highly sought-after and highly valued commodity. The objective of the leadership pillar is to set the foundation to educate and develop students with skills to enable them with the capacity to influence others in a positive way. Leadership skills are learned competencies. SJNA’s objective is to be a premier leadership education and development institution for young men and women.
2022-2023 First Captain and Head Prefect
Our Main Goals Include:
1. Educate and develop students with contemporary and ethical leadership skills.
2. Promote positive environments where individuals can practice leadership skills where success is reinforced, and failure is considered a learning opportunity.
3. Formulate leader development opportunities for Students to exercise and evaluate their leadership skills.
4. Leverage the boarding school environment to practice leadership skills taught in the classroom.
5. Incorporate wellness and resiliency practices as elements of leader competencies.
Prefect Academy Leadership Education
The Prefect Academy is organized on a model of student self-governance with a focus on leadership experiences. The curriculum focuses on character-based, servant leadership principles along with experiential learning in a student-led model. By developing intelligence, talents and passions in the classroom, on the athletic field, or through the arts, Prefect Academy students build the skills and character traits needed to serve as influential citizens in a global community, succeeding in today’s workforce and creating a better future for themselves and others. We do this by creating opportunities to exhibit character in the classroom, display of leadership, exemplifying mature respectful behavior, interaction with and support of other students are just some of the daily exercises. Along with using traditional educational resources, one unique aspect of Prefect Academy Leadership Courses is meeting guest speakers. These are professional individuals who come to the class from a variety of careers and backgrounds. Guest speakers provide reality to theory along with the class discussions. Seniors in key leadership positions in the Prefect Academy may be required to take upper level leadership courses.
Military Academy Leadership Education – JROTC
The nationally accredited JROTC program is a US Army sponsored curriculum designed to prepare cadets for responsible leadership roles while making them aware of their rights, responsibilities, and privileges as citizens along with supporting programs. The scope of these instructional programs are sequential, and builds upon the previous year’s curriculum. In addition to the emphasis placed on character and leadership, the development of communicative skills, the incorporation of historical perspectives, the requirement to participate in Cadet Fitness Challenges, and the significance of drug awareness and prevention are also emphasized. Seniors in key leadership positions in the Military Academy may be required to take upper level leadership courses.